Posted By edition lidu
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Created Date 2017-01-13
Views 6637
EDITION LIDU has been invited by the Bibliotheque HERMELAND to create a SCROLLINO LIVE PRINTED PERFORMANCE for the occasion of the French national event La Nuit the lecure (The Reading Night). The Bibliotheque HERMELAND is a beautiful Librarie focused on Graphic arts and offer a large collection of books on arts, art books and original prints. It is a plesure for us to start a new year with a workshop presented in such a beautiful newly designed space located in Saint Herblain in France. Our workshop contacted by Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin is part of our Scrollino International Launch Tour and will start at 6 PM / 18 h. The live printing of Scrollino created by the visitors will take place at 8 PM / 20 h. So if you are around, join us for the Night full of reading, dreaming and imagination!

Scrollino Launch Tour / January 2017
Stop n. 7: Saint-Herblain / France
Event: Nuit de la lecture
Médiathèque Charles-Gautier-Hermeland
14 January 2017
The Art Library Hermeland wrote about Scrollino here
Read moe about Scrollino here
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