Scrollino at the Brussels Comic Strip Festival

Brussels organises the 7th edition of the Brussels Comic Strip Festival from 2 to 4 September 2016. Belgium, and Brussels in particular, have been fertile ground for comic strips from the very beginning, so it's entirely fitting that they dedicate a full weekend to the rich cultural heritage that is the "Ninth Art." At the Brussels Comic Strip Festival, which will take place in the Parc de Bruxelles, there will be hundreds of signings, exhibits, a packed international pavilion, workshops, and activities in every direction.
edition lidu will present its new revolutionary concept Scrollino, that you can better discover during the conference on Sunday at 1 pm given by Ludmila and Sylvain Favardin, Scrollino inventors, artists and edition lidu´s founders. Read more for the detailed Scrollino programme and the Festival´s opening hours.
Scrollino Conference and Workshops in Brussels / September 2013
Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin
Friday 2 / Saturday 3 / Sunday 4 September
From 4 pm to 6 pm
Place: The International Pavilion / Stand B19 Czech Center, Parc de Bruxelles, Brussels
Create your Superhero with Scrollino / for kids on registration only
Sunday 4th September at 11 AM (11 h)
Place: The International Pavilion / Stand B19 Czech Center, Parc de Bruxelles, Brussels
Language: Czech
edition lidu presents Scrollino, a revolutionary comic/book conceptSunday 4th September at 1 PM / 13 h / 30 min lenght
With: Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin, artists-authors, edition lidu´s founders and creators of the Scrollino concept
Language: French / English
Place: On the big stage of the festival, Tent/Chapiteau A
Free entry
Create your Superhero with Scrollino / Crée ton Super héros avec le Scrollino
Sunday 04th September at 3 PM (15 h)
Place: The International Pavilion / Stand B19 Czech Center, Parc de Bruxelles, Brussels
Language: English and French
Free entry
Read more about the Scrollino Inaternational Launch Tour
Check photos from our Scrollino opening party in France
For the Scrollino Press Release with images go here
Scrollino by edition lidu at the Brussels Comic Strip Festival
Brussels Comic Strip Festival / Fête de la BD
Parc de Bruxelles, Brussels / International Pavilion B / STAND B19
2-4 September 2016 / Friday to Sunday
Guest artists: Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin
Scrollino Concept & Design: Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin
Partners: Czech Center in Brussels
Suppliers: G . F Smith and S Paper
edition lidu´s participation was kindly supported by the Czech Center in Brussels and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic / MKČR
Many thanks to Kristina Prunerova, Eva Petrakova and Stepanka Jislova for the coordination and help and the organizing team of the festival.
Brussels Comic Strip Festival 2016
Brussels Comic Strip Festival / Fête de la BD
Parc de Bruxelles, Brussels
2-4 September 2016 / Friday to Sunday
Friday 2 September : 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Saturday 3 September : 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday 4 September : 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Organizer: Visit Brussels
The official website of the Brussels Comic Strip Festival
Read more about the Scrollino Inaternational Launch Tour
Check photos from our Scrollino opening party in France
For the Press Scrollino Release with images go here