Edition lidu was invited to participate in MICRO, the festival of independent publishing in the fields of graphic design, illustration and photography organized by Copy/Copy, aka Marco Nicotra and Giuliana Tammaro. MICRO festival will be part of the 4th edition of Operæ, a festival dedicated to Italian and international independent design.
Operæ - Independent Design Festival Micro Piu Torino
October 11–13 2013
OGR Officine Grandi Riparazioni
Corso Castelfidardo 16, Torino, Italy
Opening hours:
Friday 11th: 15:00 - 23:00
Saturday 12th: 10:00-20:00
Sunday 13th: 10:00-20:00

MICRO has been chosen to bring this excellent context to a new level of innovation and research, with the quality of italian and international independent publishing.

Operæ - Independent Design Festival held in OGR Officine Grandi Riparazioni in Turin
Was full of exciting ideas and projects from Italian and international designers. EDITION LIDU had the pleasure to be part of the festival in the MICRO section dedicated to independent publishing.
At MICRO you could refresh yourself with amazing books and funzines from independent publishers, design studios and cultural associations of great interest and quality such as Cesura Publish (IT), Studio Fludd (IT), Print About Me (IT), BOLO Paper (IT), Inuit (IT), Solo ma non troppo (FR), Palefroi (DE), Fortino Editions (US), Sigrid Calon (NL) and many more.
More information about Operæ:
More information about MICRO Festival: