PKN Guatemala / Great platform for artists and designers
Posted By edition lidu Published In All News Created Date 2014-05-23 Views 6315
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Pecha Kucha Guatemala began as a celebration of the 25 years of the School of Graphic Design at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala. 25 young people who shared a different view of their professors, achieved in spite of its contrasting opinions a difference in this series of activities that celebrates graphic design. And so, within the circuit of activities, the first volume of PechaKucha Night was born and made Guatemalans eyes turn to designers. We are pleased, that Pecha Kucha Guatemala is our Media Partner of ART BOOKS WANTED International Award 2014.

Pecha Kucha Night Guatemala

Pecha Kucha Guatemala presents an alternative platform on which different designers can promote their work and have the opportunity to create new relationships. This night becomes a live journal in which 12 speakers presents their work through 20 themed images shown for 20 seconds each.

Great platform for emerging and established artists and designers

The audience can absorb the overflow of talent and creativity of its exponents in the company of their employers, coworkers, friends and family, but also the general public that become more and more interested in Pecha Kucha events. Pecha Kucha Guatemala amends its concept, design and theme in each issue. The production of this event comes by the hand of Colectivo En Voz Alta “Collective Aloud” (EVA), placing the event at the highest standard for graphics and audiovisual production.

Pecha Kucha GT organizes also Workshops, Talks and Parties to support creatives in their affords.

EVA team is formed by:
Jonathan Yoc, Karla Alvarez, Diana Dieguez, Marysol Davila, Kristel Espina, Cristina Melendez, Ricardo Pérez, Josue Mollinedo, Yavheni de Leon, Mauricio Gonzalez y  Jacobo Castañeda.

Read more about the Pecha Kucha GT as a partner of ART BOOKS WANTED International Award 2014.

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