ART BOOKS WANTED Exhibition at Milan Design Week 2014
Posted By edition lidu Published In All News Created Date 2014-04-09 Views 11653
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edition lidu has the pleasure to announce that the NEW exhibition of ART BOOKS WANTED International Award will be held during prestigious MILAN DESIGN WEEK 2014. ART BOOKS WANTED International Award is the annual contest organized by edition lidu and honors quality and creative art and design books in various categories.

The exhibition will be part of MICRO Festival and will showcase awarded, nominated and other selected books from ART BOOKS WANTED International Award 2012 and 2013. We are looking foward to meeting you at MICRO Festival and ABW exhibition in Milan.

ART BOOKS WANTED International Award Exhibition

11-13 April 2014
Milan Design Week
MICRO Festival
Via G. B. Piranesi 10 20137, Milan

Opening hours
Friday 11th: 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saturday 12th: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday 13th: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm

Organizer: edition lidu
Curators: Ludmila & Sylvain Favardin
With the support of: MICRO Festival and Writing
We would like to thank to Profil Media, Křehký and Boombang design for their kind help.


ART BOOKS WANTED International Award 2014

The 3rd edition of ABW Award is open for Submission now. The 3rd edition brings exciting PRIZE of 1 000 € for the Winner and many interesting opportunities for participant authors.

The Call for Entries is open to established and emerging Artists, Illustrators, Graphic Designers, Typographers, Photographers, Designers, Writers, Curators, Independent publishers and Art & Design Students.

Authors can submit artist’s books and fanzines, books for children, graphic books, comic strips, illustrated short stories, photo books, hand-printed books, Pop-up books, PDF Layouts, Interactive books and stories using digital media, ePub, iBooks, APPS and other original book forms. Do not miss this unique opportunity to showcase your art in prestigious international venues and get your books published.

The Deadline for Submission is 14 May 2014.  

Read more about ABW and submit your projects here

The following artists and designers were selected to be exhibited at Milan Design Week 2014:

Machinarium / Amanita Design (Czech Republic)
Found photos in Detroit / Arianna Arcara and Luca Santese (Italy)
Plim / Joana Rosa Bragança (Portugal)
La descente / Benjamin Courtault (France)
Arana / Sofia Drescher (UK)
Ako zajkovia mrkvu hladali / Zuzana Galova (Slovakia)
City Acrobat / Yeni Kim (South Korea/UK)
Signs And Symbols / Vladimir Nabokov & Yeni Kim (South Korea/UK)
Made by Rain / Aliki van der Kruijs (The Netherlands)
Sick town / Frantiska Lachmanova (Czech Republic)
I Wouldn’t Wish War on My Worst Enemy / Jim Lommasson (USA)
Chicken or Beef / Jeong Hwa Min (South Korea / Germany)
Porno subito / Fulvia Monguzzi (Italy)
Shadows / Virginia Mori & Virgilio Villoresi (Italy)
Esse momento / Ayano Mouri (Japan/Germany)
Cannes 08. 09 / Elsa Mroziewicz (France)
The Path to Modernity: Mexican Modern Painting / Danne Ojeda - Singapore Art Museum (Singapore/NL)
I wish I was / Caterina Pinto & Lorenza Negri (Italy)
My Dear Omi! / Maruša Račič (Slovenia)
Blossom / Marike Le Roux (South Africa)
Che Faro Senza / Tomi Um - Strane Dizioni (Italy)
Allem Anschein / Lasse Wandschneider (Germany)
Truth Investigating Animals / Line Wasner (Germany)

Read more about ABW and submit your projects here

Read more about Micro Festival in Milan here

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