ART BOOKS WANTED International Award 2014 - Call for Entries
Posted By edition lidu Published In All News Created Date 2014-05-09 Views 10917
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Previous year’s winners have their Awards and their books have been presented in art galleries, book festivals and at such prestigious events as Milan Design Week. New ones are awaited RIGHT NOW! International Art Books Publisher EDITION LIDU launched 3rd edition of ART BOOKS WANTED International Award and CALLS FOR SUBMISSIONS! The Winner can expect the PRIZE of 1 000 € and many exciting opportunities, other awarded and participants authors will also benefit from being part of ABW Award project. Read more to discover that you do not want to miss ART BOOKS WANTED International Award 2014.

Win 1 000 €
Get a Solo or Group Exhibition
Get Your Book Published
Became Part of Art Books Collections
Sold out Your Limited Editions

Until Tuesday 27 May 2014, on Midnight

The ART BOOKS WANTED International Award is organized since 2011 by the international art publishers EDITION LIDU. ART BOOKS WANTED International Award is not only a competition. ABW is an artists run platform to spread the best in art, design and book culture. The project enables to promote artists and designers at international venues and creates new dialogues between authors and publishers and galleries. In 2014 the 3rd edition of the competition is held. ABW Award is perhaps the only international book award that presents a large spectrum of creative approaches to a book.

Read also our Frequently Asked Questions for further information to be sure not to miss anything.

Who Can Participate
Artists, Designers, Writers, Students, Schools, Museums, Independent Publishers, etc.

The Call for Entries ART BOOKS WANTED is open to established and emerging Artists, Illustrators, Graphic Designers, Typographers, Photographers, Designers, Writers, Independent publishers and Art & Design Students.
Submissions are welcome from individuals and creative Studios/Teams. There are no age, language or nationality limitations.

What Can You Submit
Artist’s Books, Zines, Comics, Graphic Novels, Interactive Stories, iBooks, etc.

EDITION LIDU search for author’s books and zines, graphic books, comic strips, illustrated short stories, photo books, hand-printed books, Pop-up books, PDF Layouts, Interactive books and stories using digital media, ePub, iBooks, APPS and other original book forms. Both published and unpublished.

How Can You Submit

Each participant can submit more Artworks. For each Artwork a new Submission form has to be filled in and the participant has to make the payment of the Submission Fee (Students 10 € / Professionals 25 €) each time.
You have 3 possibilities of Submission:  A – Online Submission or B – E-mail Submission or C – Paper Submission

A – Online Submission

Submit via online Submission form. You need to fill in all the Steps and Send us your Artwork Previews by e-mail to abw[at]
If you prefer to send us your Artwork(s) by Post or to Deliver it in Person, go directly to C – PAPER SUBMISSION

+ Go to the Online Submission Form

B – E-mail Submission
Download the E-mail Submission Form in PDF and send us the filled Form by e-mail to abw[at] as well as your Artwork Previews.
If you prefer to send us your Artwork(s) by Post or to Deliver it in Person, go directly to C – PAPER SUBMISSION

pdf  + EN – Download the E-mail Submission Form

C – Paper Submission
Send a physical copy/prototype of the Artwork or printed photos / poster / catalog or CD / DVD by post/mail or deliver it in person. In your package/envelope join the printed and filled Submission Form too.
pdf  + EN – Download the Paper Form

Read also our Frequently Asked Questions for further information to be sure not to miss anything.



Share your books and art projects with us, we will share it with the world

ART BOOKS WANTED International Award became also a platform to spread art events, exhibitions, workshops and creative projects of awarded and participant authors via our website, you can look forward to new interviews with artists, illustrators, designers, editors and curators and articles related to the participants authors, art book world and independet publishing.

You can benefit many other opportunities by participating to ART BOOKS WANTED International Award. See the previous editions and what participants benefit specifically on the official ABW website

Books and Authors selected in the 1st round will be presented on the website and communicated via the official Newsletter internationally. The Winner and Authors selected in the 2nd round will be presented in THE SELECTION of outstanding projects and communicated internationally to art and design magazines, museums, institutions and other media. Awarded Authors will receive an Official ABW Award Certificate. The WINNER will receive the PRIZE of 1 000 € and the Official ABW Award Certificate.

Selected Artists will have the opportunity to show their work during international exhibitions and will be considered for publishing by EDITION LIDU.


ABW Award is truly international

In the previous edition ABW International Award (2013), we have received 268 submissions in wide range of art book forms by authors from 35 countries. Considering the high level of submitted projects the Art direction of EDITION LIDU has selected 117 exciting projects to be presented internationally via the official ART BOOKS WANTED website and to the International Jury. Awarded, nominated and authors were selected to ABW awrd exhibitions at international venues, the organizer EDITION LIDU started a cooperation with participant artists and several books were published (we will bring you more information in a new article).

The Winner of the main PRIZE of ART BOOKS WANTED International Award 2013 was Yeni Kim with the beutiful POP-UP book CITY ACROBAT. Yeni Kim, originally from South Korea, graduated the Royal College of Art in London and actually lives in London.

Check hi-res photos of the winning book and all awarded projects here

ABW Award shows exceeded 200 000 visitors in 2013

ABW International Award and Selected authors and books are regularly presented during prestigious international exhibitions with over 200 000 visitors in total. Just to list a few:

ABW Award winners and nominees Show at Milan Design Week 2014 (Check the photos)
ABW Award winners and nominees Show at Prague Design and Fashion Week 2013 (Chek the photos)
ABW Award show at Art Gallery 140 - 2nd Extensive ABW show in (more then 100 books exhibited), 2013 (Read the Article)
ABW Award show  - 1st Extensive ABW show at Centre for Contemporary Design (more then 100 books exhibited), Prague 2013 (Read the Article)

ABW Award and selected books are also regularly introduced to the public within EDITION LIDU’s sales exhibitions, art/book fairs and festivals.

Read also our Frequently Asked Questions for further information to be sure not to miss anything.

What winners and particicpants say about beeing part of ABW Award
ALIKI VAN DER KRUIJS, Netherlands (Best Concept Winner 2013)

In the few months that I know EDITION LIDU, since Milan, I see a hardworking group of people taking good care for their selection of books. A platform for more then only books; As my project is recommended by EDITION LIDU to participate in a show in Bologna. Their network is beneficial for participating artists and writers. I experience a balance between creative ideas and business minds.

LORENZA NEGRI & CATERINA PINTO, Italy (Selected in the 1st Round 2013)

We met the guys from EDITION LIDU at OCA during the Milano Design Week 2013. We were stunned by the high level of creativity and quality of their printed or handmade products. Visiting their website we found the “Art Books Wanted 2013” contest and decided to give it a try. It was a real pleasure for us to know that our small book had passed the first selection and was going to be shown during the ABW 2013 Exhibition. We were also very pleased to get in touch with their staff, they turned out to be very kind and nice people. That’s why our experience with ABW was absolutely great.

DANNÉ OJEDA, Netherlands (Best Art Catalog Winner 2013)

I am honored for having received ABW International ‘Best Art Catalog’ award for my design work The Path to Modernity: Mexican Modern Painting. ABW award not only ensured the seriousness of the competition, but also offers authors the possibility of promoting quality works in international venues and platforms worldwide.

MARIKE LE ROUX, South Africa (Nominated for Best Children’s Books 2013)

Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity! These type of competitions are quite rare and the possibility of having your books (artworks) be part of an exhibition in Prague (when living in South Africa) is the best thing for a young, new artist looking to develop and grow into a master illustrator or designer. I salute you for making this dream accessible to people all over the world! Baie dankie!!

What do you think?
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